I've only been on the list for a couple of weeks, so I haven't gotten to hear
about anyone elses stories. I shared about my son's milk allergy and only got
one response to the letter. Well, I guess I got more responses but they were
to my P.S., which was on the subject of how much antibiotics are in milk. I'd
love to hear from some other people who deal with or have children who deal
with a milk allergy. What are some of the things that are helpful to you, to
get through living with a milk free diet. From our experience ( which hasn't
been all that long, 5 months) it's not an easy undertaking. There has been
alot of discussion about gluten free diets too. Can someone tell me about the
connection between milk and gluten?
I'm not a scientist, doctor, or researcher. I'm just a Mom, trying to figure
out how to take care of her children. I look forward to more discussion.

Heidi L. :)
Lancaster County, PA