Dear Dawn, CONGRATULATIONS!!  I think that the milk problem can be taken
care of with taking calcium supplements in addition to the pre-natal
vitamins I am sure the doc will prescribe.  When I was pregnant   both
times, I drank a lot of milk, but got cramps in my legs and the doctor said
that this was from the lack of calcium so I took supplements.  Perhaps the
calcium in the milk wasn't being absorbed into my system.  As far as the
baby and milk, both of my children were allergic to milk.  My first (8lbs 7
oz at birth) was not diagnosed until he was 6 mos. and by then he had been
in the hospital twice, for bronchiolitus and asthma.  We were taking him to
an AF base and finally someone (not a dr) suggested we put him on soy.  He
continued to have ear infections and had his tonsils out eventually, but
then I had to put him in day care at 6 wks.  My daughter, born 8 yrs
later,(and 9 lbs at birth) in a private hospital would not drink the milk
formula at all and was put on soy immediately.  She did end up with tubes
in her ears but that was  when she was older and had started drinking milk.
 My grandson is almost 10 mos old (his mother is young and they live with
me).  He was put on a milk formula and kept throwing it up and was colicy
so we put him on Nutramigen until the colic went away and he has been on
 Prosobee since.  He just got his first ear infection and his first
antibiotic, big difference from my children.  My 22 yr old son is 5'9" and
over 200 lbs., my 14 yr old daughter is 5'7" and over 150 lbs. and her son
is over 20 lbs. already (I am 5'1"and around 140lbs.!).  They both have
separate fathers and now  ddrink all the milk they want.  Of course, my son
has ADD, which could possibly be from his diet (including milk) and my
daughter had Irritable Bowel Syndrome and we are having her tested for
allergies the breath hydrogen test, and this could alllso be from diet so
as you can see, I don't think that milk has anything to do with health.
 Because of my lifestyle while my children were    growing up, I was not
very "health consious".  This is probably  more important in the long run
than whether or not you drink milk during your pregnancy!  So have a
healthy and happy pregnancy, I loved being pregnant, and my usually very
pessimistic husband was a different person while I was, and keep us up on
how you are  doing!
Love & Hugs, Michele T.

From:   Dawn[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Saturday, March 01, 1997 3:59 PM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Dairy-Free, Motherhood & Pregnancy

Hello Everyone,

I'm wondering if any one out there has gone through a dairy-free pregnancy
yet?  I just recently had the wonderful pleasure of discovering the fact
that I am pregnant with my first child which is due in June.  For the past
years, we didn't even think that was possible, so this is fantastic news!

The thing I am running across already is that NONE of the doctor's, nurse's
or midwife's within the clinic I attend have any experience with casein
allergies.  It has raised many questions.  Surely I can't be the only woman
to ever go through pregnancy dairy free!  I would love to hear from anyone
else and share experiences.  I think I have LOTS of questions!

Also, I know that there are several mother's on this lists who's children
are allergic to dairy products.  I know that genetics won't guarantee that
my child will be allergic to the same things I am, but I do know that
genetics indicate that it is very likely my child will also suffer from
severe allergies as I do.  With this in mind, I would like to talk a bit
about how to choose a good pediatrician who is allergy aware, some of the
struggles you faced, what helped, what didn't, and what worked for you.

Waiting to hear from some of you...

:-) :-) :-)