I was wondering about adding Flax oil to our diets,
 How much would one add?
Are there capsules one can take

Hi Roberta,
WE take 3 grams of Omega Nutrition certified Organic Flax Seed Oil
 (It is a product of Canada.)And 3 grams of Max EPA Fish Oils
 a day at the moment.

Along with C.D. related problems both my sons and I have an
Inflammatory Kidney Disease which has a biological similarity to
Celiac Disease.
The recommended dose for this Kidney problem is 12 GRAMS a day.
We are slowly working up to that, adding around a gram extra a month.
It made us very nauseous taking all 12 grams at the start, so we cut
down to one and now, we are slowly building up to the
recommended amount, this way, it does not bother us.
Of course I am not suggesting that  you take this amount.
I don't know how much other people are taking.

 Instead of taking fish oil for your daily supplement of omega-3
fatty acids.
Dr. Andrew Weil suggests that one can forego fish oil
entirely and substitute another, cheap and plentiful supply
of omega-3, namely the common garden variety of flax
One can  buy a supply in bulk and  every morning,  grind
a large tablespoon full of flax seed in a coffee grinder.
You can sprinkle it over soup, mix it in with vegetables or
add it to your muffin mix.
A large tablespoon full,  Dr. Weil suggests, is a sufficient intake of
omega-3 for a normal healthy person.
Of course, like us, if you were taking it to reduce Inflammation of
some type. I think more would be needed.

The taste of ground-up flax seed is mildly nutty and essentially neutral.
Can you cook with flax oil?
If you mean Fry,  No
You can pour it over a salad.

Stay Happy, Stay happy