<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,

I've had several postings asking about my "saliva test" so I'll give you
the scoop and ask a few questions of my own:

In March, 95 I had what's called an ASI test by Diagnos-Techs lab at the
request of both my naturopath and my traditional doctor.  This test is for
DHEA/CORTISOL levels, and mine were out of balance.  In January, 96, they
ordered a second test, but this time, they also asked the lab to check for
"ANTI-GLIADIN SIgA" and the test came back positive.  They said "you
probably have celiac disease, try the diet, no need to have the biopsy,
this test is very good".  The test also said to have a second test after
following the diet for awhile for a differential diagnosis.

In July of 96, I had the "ELISA" test, which is IgG4 & IgE, and got a
"significant" result for gliadin.  Once again, my doctors said I didn't
need a biopsy, since my stomach was feeling better with the diet, I should
just stick with it.  Obviously I have followed the recent biopsy discussion
with interest as I have the same questions as everyone else, and I am also
concerned about my 3 year old son, and my mom & uncle who exhibit some
symptoms but have never been tested.

Here are my two questions:

a)  My mom's  g.i. in NY is willing to do the testing, since I've struck
out in Vermont.  Have any of you crossed state lines for a biopsy and
gotten successful insurance coverage?  My mom's doctor made a face when my
mom told her about the saliva tests, but she was willing to do the biopsy
based on my health history.

b)I just saw the recent posting regarding the diet and ADD.  I would like
to correspond with anyone on the list with adult ADD and CD and compare
notes.  I haven't found the diet makes much of a difference and would like
to find out what others are doing.

Judy Hettena Wright