<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post in November. I am CD and have
a 15 year old son with the same symptoms as I had my whole life. I
couldn't get any MD to take this fact seriously as he was not failing to
thrive, just had 'celiac days' every few weeks. Thanks to your advice and
info the medical system is now concerned ( I went to an app't loaded with
print outs from the list). My GP took it good naturedly. Just got his
blood work back and it's normal. Should I of gluten loaded him before..he
is on a normal diet tho. He's booked for an endoscopy and biopsy in
April.(it is his decision to carry this one step further). He was guite
sick last week just before they called to book the app't which helped
with the decision. Can stess incourage celiac symptoms? I watched him eat
a few donuts at his Nana's funeral and he spent many hours reading in the
bathroom that evening, and has been pale and lethargic since. Anyway
thanks again for all the help in November. I'll update in April. Also
thanks to whoever posted the recipe for 'soft white bread'. After 8 years
of making gf bricks, door stops, and duck food, I am finally able to bake
and eat( what a novel idea!!)    Dianne in Beautiful B.C.