<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Joyce Miller wrote:

>A while back I wrote that i was diagnosed with Rhumatoid
>Arthritis. My doctor gave me a perscription for Naporsyn. the pharmacist
>called the company about a possible gluten problem. They said that there
>was no gluten in the medication. It worked great.
>        Now about 1 month later I am down. Intestinal bleeding, cramps,
>gas. I think that it is worse than before I was diagnosed and i was
>taking Fiber pills at that time.

I am posting to the whole list, as this is a problem that may not be
addressed as often as it could be. A sub-group of celiacs, myself included,
experience intestinal bleeding, and a host of other abdominal/GI symptoms in
response to NSAIDS. Since both substances can cause microvascular leakage in
a person with celiac disease, it is important to proceed with caution when
taking NSAIDs.

My father bled to death intestinally. Now that I know something about celiac
disease, I am convinced that he also had celiac disease.

I hope that is helpful.

Best Wishes,
Ron Hoggan   Calgary, Alberta, Canada