Dear list members,
I have been sitting at the same desk and looking out the same
window for many years now and today the 'reality' of that
Gestalt was completely altered by a squirrel sitting on the
highest perch of a tree outside my window. Never in all the
years of looking out this window have I ever seen anything
but birds on this perch. The sight of a squirrel on the highest
perch of a tree that only birds seemed to sit in is certainly
an odd sight. This squirrel is 'nuts' by the way! :-)
btw... the arctic blasts have subsided and the animals are
       pretty pleased about it. If you could see the contentment
       in the faces of animals after they have endured winter
       and spring is evident, you would have to smile yourself.
It's a sight to behold I'll tell you.
   ----------------------------------------- Carleton University ----------
               Robert G. White               Dept. of Psychology
                                             Ottawa, Ontario. CANADA
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