>There are always questions about milk-free recipes.  I have found just
>substituting soy milk for milk has always worked well.  I take any regular
>recipe that calls for milk and just substitute.  I don't see the big
>difference in cooking with or without milk.  I make anything! (except
>yogurt) I make cookies, "cream" soups, "cream" sauces, puddings, etc., etc.
>Anyone with specific questions can always ask me.

I don't know about soy milk, since I also have to avoid soy, but I really
don't like rice milk.  It has a funny taste to it, and it is watery.  The
only recipe so far that I like it in is rice pudding.  Otherwise I don't
like the "ricey" taste in my baked goods.  So I've been mostly changing the
menu to not include foods that usually include milk products.  But it's a
bit limiting!
