Regarding Milk-free cookies and other recipes.   Just because a recipe
calls for milk, does not mean you cannot use just plain water.  I have
been making this substitution for years and it works.

On rare occasion there will be some factor that depends ont he acidity of
milk for the chemical process in the recipe, but nothing to worry about
that a teaspoon of lemon juice can't help.  A  recipe that calls for
baking soda is dependent upon some acid in the formula.  If there is no
fruit or juice item lited,  perhaps it calls for buttermilk or sour milk.
 If so, replace the quantity with water and a little lemon juice or
vinegar, not more than 1 tablespoonful in a cup of the liquid.

Recipes for EVERYTHING always seem to call for salt.  I leave that out

I have been enjoying reading the many messages from this list that come
across my screen. Hope I have been of help.
