>I'd like to know some of the facts behind all of this, like how
>exactly does milk lead to ear infections?
        Max, I do not know the facts behind this but it is common knowledge
here (in the US) that ear infections indicate milk allergies. I first heard
it from a Shakley distributor (a multi level marketing business that sells
vitamin products).  The Shakley distributor, even though it wouldn't help
her sell vitamins (because milk is a binder in their products and therefore
off limits) told a mother in front of ALL of her customers at a Christmas
home party that children who have constant ear infections have a dairy
allergy and should not consume dairy products (or Shakley vitamins).  This
woman was so knowledgable on so many health issues (and had the library to
back herself up) that I never questioned the source of her information on
the ear infection/milk allergy association.
        I was amazed at the honesty of this group.  She quoted information
sources from one of the Universities of California who had done extensive
research on the topic.  I believe it was Univ. of Cal-Berkley but I can't
recall the exact references.  I know that one of those Universities puts out
a highly respected nutritional alert newsletter.  I'm sure you may be able
to find out more information from them on the Web even.
        Good luck in your search for the truth!
:-) :-) :-)