Dear Maggie,
You must be referring to VIRGIL HULSE, who wrote a book about Prions and
Mad Cow Disease.
In addition to the many proteins, fat and cholesterol in milk there are
also crystaline structures called Prions which have been implicated in
spongiform diseases in which the brain literally resembles a sponge.
According to Hulse (and many others) we have Mad Cow Disease in
America.  It's called Downer Cow Syndrome.
Robert Cohen
> Please read books by Dr. John McDougall, M.D. and and those by John
> Robbins of Baskin and Robins fame.
> Also Dr. Hulse  (but I'm not sure of that entire name).
> You asked where did I get my inforamtion why people should not drink cows
> milk.
> If everthing I say is going to be questioned I will resing from this
> list!
> Maggie