Dear Christopher,
I laughed (not at you) when I received your request.  I recalled the
story of a Jewish scholar approached by a Roman soldier who asked,
"Rabbi, I'll stand on one leg while you recite your Jewish philosophy
and heritage."  The Rabbi responded, "Do unto others as you would wish
others to do unto you."
I've just written approximately 150,000 words with 300 references which
sits with my editor...where do I begin with you?
How about if I cite the late Dr. Benjamin Spock, who said:
        "Cow's milk in he past has always been oversold as the perfect
        food but we are now seeing that it is not the perfect food at
        all and the government really shouldn't be bihind any efforts
        to promote it as such."
Dr. Spock made that statement while standing with Dr. Neal Barnard,
President and Founder of Physicians for Responsible Medicine.  Dr.
Barnard is author of the bes selling book, Food For Life.  Dr. Barnard
recently was asked his opinion of milk and responded:
        "I would call milk perhaps the most unhealthful vehicle for calcium
that one could possibly imagine, which is the only thing people really
drink it for, but whenever you challenge existing dogma...people are
Jethro Kloss, author of Back To Eden (1939) wrote:
        "Cow's milk is not suited for human consumption.  Milk causes
constipation, biliousness, coated tongue, headache, and these
        are the symptoms of intestinl auto-intoxication.  Soybean milk
        and nut milks are excellent substitutes, and have practically
        the same analyses, and the danger of disease is removed."
Christopher, milk contains hornmones.  Powerful growth hormones.  Would
you allow your child to take a pill containing 3000 nanograms of the
most powerful growth hormone in the human body.  Would you take one?
Every time you drink a twelve ounce glass of milk you do just that.
Would you take that pill?
If you did, it would not work!  However, in milk, it does work.  The
protein hormones in that pill would be destroyed by strong gastric
Milk buffers the gastric pH.  Normally your stomach environment is a
very acidic 1.8 (one point eight).  A 12 ounce glass of milk will buffer
it up to a 6.0 (six point zero).  At 6.0 milk proteins survive digestive
This is not theorey.  I met with a group of scientists at FDA on this
issue and have a letter from Richard Teske, MD, Policy Director at the
Center for Veterinary Meicine (FDA's investigative branch) confirming
this fact.
If you are interested in more discussion I welcome your phone call.  I
will include my phone number in a private post to you.
Robert Cohen
Christopher Shade wrote:
> please provide sources to the list that support your view that children
> shouldn't drink cow's milk.  thanks!
> ...christopher
> Robert Cohen wrote:
> >
> > Children should not drink cow's milk.  Adults should not drink cow's
> > milk.  Count yourself lucky that you discovered a problem.  Many parents
> > of kids with earaches, congestion and allergies never make the
> > connection.
> >
> > Robert Cohen