One of our list subscribers, Dawn Hyatt, asked in the
newsgroup for cheese alternatives that are suitable for such recipes as
Lasagna and Pizza. One woman posted many in response. Most are also
gluten-free, though one has rolled oats and another wheat germ. Creative
cooks can probably substitute.
I have put this file in the NO-MILK archives and it can be downloaded on
request. It is 11K in size. Send in a the body of a message GET NO-MILK
CHEESE1 to the listserv address at [log in to unmask]
Here's a summary of what is in the archives so far:
  NO-MILK  WELCOME    Welcome Message
  NO-MILK  DBSEARCH   Notes on Searching Archives
  NO-MILK  MILKALT    Milk Substitutes
  NO-MILK  RICEMILK   Rice/Horchata/Soy/Nut Milk Recipes
  NO-MILK  CALCIUM    Vegetarian Sources of Calcium
  NO-MILK  CHEESE1    Dairy-Free Cheese Recipes
  NO-MILK  LOG9701    January Log File
  NO-MILK  LOG9702    February Log File
If anybody has any questions or problems downloading feel free to write to me.