Ron Hoggan wrote:
> I was sure glad to see Connie's message. I think that the IBS diagnosis
> should have the first letter deleted, in order to clearly represent the
> character of such a diagnosis. (I hope this does not offend, but such a
> diagnosis often ends a medical investigation prematurely, and without any
> valuable answers for the patient.)
> I'm glad you said that about the first letter. Many diagnosis (maybe even
 most) are just descriptions of the disease translated into Latin or
Greek. Beware of any diagnosis that ends in the word "syndrome." It
usually means cause unknown, no known treatment. The problem with these
diagnoses is they end the search for many. The worst is arthritis.
> Ron
> >Anne,
> >
> >Before you settle on IBS, consider Celiac sprue, which involves all sources
> >of gluten, not just wheat, but also rye and barley.  St John's has a list for
> >this, also.
> >
> >Connie in NC
> >