At 10:08 PM 2/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Tulip writes:
>>  I sometimes use Lactaid pills, taking up to 10 at a
>>  clip.  Can this be dangerous?
>The instructions say to not take more than 6 tablets (6x3000=18000 FCC Units
>Lactase).  I am curious to know why the limit is set a such.
>>  By the way, just a tip:  If a food product has the word "Parve" on its
>>  wrapper, this is an indication that the item has absolutely NO milk
>>  in it at all.
>Curious.  What is "parve" and why does it indicate that there are no milk
>George Kontos
Hi George,
To answer your question, in the jewish religion, foods that are neither meat
nor dairy are called pareve. This means that they contain no meat or dairy
derivatives, and have not been cooked or mixed with any meat or dairy foods.
Nor have they been made in any machinery that may have been used for a dairy
or meat product.  Pareve foods may lose their pareve status if processed on
dairy equipment or when dairy additives are used.  Eggs, fish, fruit,
vegetables, grains, and juices in their natural, unprocessed state are
common pareve foods. Other pareve foods include pasta, soft drinks, coffee
and tea, and many types of candy and snacks.  Personally, I do not eat only
Kosher foods, however, when I see the word "pareve"  on a package, I know
that the food is "safe" for me to eat.
An example is Stella Doro cookies.  All of their products are pareve and
that way I get to eat cookies without worry (even chocolate ones!)  If
you're into sweets, Tofutti is another pareve product.  It's an "ice-cream"
made from tofu and it tastes pretty good.
Hope this helps. :)
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