<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>Top 20 Diagnoses Before a Diagnosis of Celiac Disease
In response to this list of top 20 diagnoses...

Understandably, it is a frustrating process to go through to finally reach
diagnosis.  I have recently experienced this with my husband's son.
However, what's more frustrating is the potential for misdiagnosis.  We
have recently found out that the gastroenterologist who we engaged for a
2nd opinion has indicated, on re-reviewing all of the diagnostics, that our
son DOES NOT have CD, and now we are taking him for a battery of new tests
to try to get some answers.  We had a diagnosis of CD from one doctor and
another saying aboslutely not.  Frankly, I would rather that our doctor
take into consideration all of the possibilities, examine all possible
avenues, and do a thorough examination before diagnosing anything.


Deborah Little
212 Shields Building
University Park, PA  16802
(814) 863-1410
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