<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Just to add my two cents to this ongoing debate...

I have heard all kinds of things from many different people... about the
problem with minerals being leached from the body (I've had doctors tell me
this as well as others.. on the negative side) as well as about the fact
that distilled water is the purest form, and that this is the best for what
your body needs (on the positive side.)  Anecdotally, I know a fellow who
has drunk ONLY Distilled Water for thirty years (as far as water goes---
of course he drinks other things, too, like fruit and vegetable juices--
he is a vegetarian,) who is now 89 years old.  He is the most active and
healthy fellow I know his age... drives his own car, lives alone etc etc...

It is all very frustrating.

The doctors that say that DH2O leaches minerals from the body really cannot
say this happens FOR CERTAIN.  As far as I know (and PLEASE someone fill me
in if  they know more) there have been no such studies done on this (and I
fail to see how they COULD be done-- for in real life, you are also eating
and drinking other things besides D H2O-- although I suppose you could do
something like measure the amount of minerals excreted in the urine after
drinking D H20 and compare this to the amount after drinking "regular" H20--
but I do not know of any such study that has attempted this.)  In the case
of the fellow below with the low electrolytes who almost died after riding
his bicycle, it seems as if distilled water played a role.  Still, if he
was exercising so strenuously and drinking ONLY water (no matter what type)
I would suspect he MAY have had the same problem....

Yet, as I said before, this is ALL SPECULATION at this point...

I am a biomedical researcher by profession... and from experience, all I can
say is that there are a lot of things that SHOULD and COULD be investigated,

For any interested, perhaps you can check out the following:


I do not endorse them, but it seems interesting what they've put together,...

Distilled water seems to be one of these things....

.. and in such cases, the best we can really go on is personal experience...

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