<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
As long as everyone is on the subject, I'll add my two cents in.  Before
Christmas I flew from Orlando to L.A., then from San Francisco back to
Orlando, on Delta Air Lines.  I asked for gluten-free food when I made
reservations, and then called and reminded them again a couple of days before
flight.  These were both breakfast flights, and to my joy, I got gluten-free
food!  As someone else has alluded to, the rice cakes provided tasted worse
than styrofoam, if that can be imagined, but the rest of the food was really
not too bad, for airline food.  And the food followed me when I changed seats.
 On the way back, my husband took my tray off the top of the food cart as it
was going by (it was obviously mine, obviously gluten-free), and the poor
airline attendant almost lost her cool, trying to make sure it went to me and
not to someone else.  So I felt pretty safe.  The food consisted of eggs,
potatoes, tomato, rice cakes and jelly.
Debbie McCollister
"Man shall not live by bread alone."
                --  Jesus