<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hol*Grain Brown Rice Crackers have been a staple in our household.  All it is is
brown rice, pressed into thin sheets, sliced and baked.  They look dull, but
taste great.  Also, they don't take away from the taste of cheese or whatever
you put on them.  I even use them with dips and salsas.  Non-celiac friends take
to them after they try them, too.
However, over the past year, I noticed that Hol-Grain [Parco] was having
difficulty with packaging and quality control.  Then I saw that Conrad Rice
Mill, Inc. [Konrico-mfr of excellent specialty rices, e.g., Pecan Rice, from
Louisiana] took over the company.  I spoke with the president, Mike Davis, who
said that the were completely replacing the equipment, which produced
inconsistent results.  The packaging already is much improved, e.g., crackers
are crisp and rarely broken.  He also assured me that, although the production
lines also are used for whole wheat thins, they are completely cleaned between
jobs and heated to 700 degrees F., which carbonizes [turns to ash] any organic
material that might remain.
I look forward to upcoming reformulations [better control over moisture content
to avoid crunchy grains] and the results of their plant renovation.  You can
call 800-551-3245 for more information on these crackers [plain or lightly
salted] and other specialty rice products.  I see it in some supermarkets and
health food stores, although supplies are erratic [something else they're going
to fix].  They love their rice in Louisiana!