: is a matter of inertia.  Let us, by all means, thunder against abuses--but we
: can only damage the cause of reform if we accuse individuals of ill-will,
: dereliction of duty, or other sins."  John Gedo is extemely well informed on
Gedo's tautology is just more victimization in so far as it is not
logical to state that 'we can only damage the cause if we accuse
individuals of ill-will, dereliction of duty, or other sins.' Gedo
is talking off his hat and is preaching irrationally. I ask you,
where is the logic in Gedo's statement? His defense is is illogical
and the statement is stupid. Gedo is old guard and should have been
expected to say this sort of rhetoric. It is nonsense to assert that
conflict theorists should not point at root conflicts whether they be
in the form of personality, transference, politics, etc. Gedo is
saying that only the victimizers can victimize with impunity. The
victims [i.e., the 'patient', 'analysand', and 'rights advocate'],
in Gedo's view, are the problem because they "damage the cause",
What utter bullshit!
That's like saying claims against the manufacturer of breast implants
is going to 'damage the cause' of making money! Psychoanalysis teaches
the practice of victimization in so far as the authority of it's
manufacturers is not to be questioned and fault is not to be causally
linked to them. This is what happens when empires have to be guarded.
I'm starting to dislike what I am seeing.
: that the help of the New York Times must be enlisted to make scholarly debate
: possible.  It seems obvious that analysts were initially unable to answer
Don't condemn the process of free speech. It works and that's what
: Masson's charges, not from lack of personal experience and knowledge, but
: because doing so would violate a long-established taboo on open discussion of
: this issue.  I am not really concerned whether it was Freud's fault.  Andrew
I happen to be concerned that Freud gave us half truths when he
claimed to be one that sought whole truths. There is a slight
disparity in his historical biography and this is what we are looking
at. Freud the man died some time ago. He objectified the mind and now
it is our responsibility to objectify his life's work. In short, Freud
is not a man but more importantly he is data.
: "There is a split, at the least a conflicted mixture of opinions and feelings,
Psa is more likely fragmented than split. And it is great that it
is this way. If psa was not fragmented I would not even bother with it
and would look elsewhere for interesting historiography. I, for one,
like the chaos.
: better ideas ever to succeed in finding a place in psychoanalysis?
: Eric Gillett, M.D.   [log in to unmask]
Build a new school.
   ----------------------------------------- Carleton University ----------
               Robert G. White               Dept. of Psychology
                                             Ottawa, Ontario. CANADA
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