>Well, I have questions about making sure we all get enough protein and
>calcium.  My husband and I are taking calcium supplements and both eat small
>portions of lean meats in our main meal about 5 days a week (it used to be
>less, but we ate eggs and cheese then).  The baby turns his nose up at meat.
>Refuses it outright.  Can he get enough calcium and protein from me in 4-5
>nursing sessions per 24 hours?  And, am I getting enough? What else can I
>give him?
Amy, I really can't answer you're latter questions.  But, both of my
children turned up their noses at meat and really didn't start eating meat
until around age 4.  We do not eat much meat because the stuff in grocery
stores is full of antibiotics and hormones.  So, we "rotate" our protein
sources so we do not eat the same stuff everyday.  You should be able to do
this in a month after slowly reintroducing foods and watching for reactions
(except of course, anything that causes severe allergic reactions).  So, for
example, we eat deer meat, fish, eggs, beans (combined with rice or other
non-gluten "grains", soy and nuts.