>My daughter has been Anaphylactic to Milk Protein since she was 5mths
>old, she is now 6 years. I would like to corresponde with people who
>have the same problems. I have researched her allergy for 3 years now
>and I have information to share and also some recipes that I have
>developed to be made without milk. Does anyone know whether or not milk
>protein can be denatured when it is heat treated? I beleive not? Also I
>would like to know if anyone was anaphylactic to milk protein as a child
>and have outgrown it as they got older?
People, and pediatricians especially, like to consider food allergy a kid
thing that eventually goes away. What actually happens, in my experience,
is that symptoms change as the person develops. Newborns and toddlers
have mucous reactions most commonly, like ear infections, tonsilitis.
Others have digestive problems like colic. Many never discover the milk
connection and keep getting exposure, lots of antibiotics, tubes in their
ears, etc. Eventually the symptoms go away, even though exposure continues.
The mistake is to consider that the allergy is over. But milk sensitive
children will continue with problems when other systems become
involved----the nervous system in children and adolescents with learning
disorders, ADD, moodiness and the like. Then perhaps acne in teens,
growing pains, nose bleeds, bed wetting, and others.
Adults with a previous, even undetected sensitivity, will have
musculoskeletal problems like headaches, back pain, neck pain. Then other
organ systems fail as exposure and subsequent reactions
continue-----commonly the female system (endometriosis, ovarian cysts and
cancer), the gall bladder, ulcers, thyroid, then on to complete
degeneration of the nervous system: Alzheimers and Parkinsons.
Sometimes the body is able to buck up for periods of time even while the
invasion continues and symptoms disappear for a while.
The conclusion to this long winded response (my first) is: once
sensitive, always sensitive.
Also, I don't know how to do this posting, so if this pops up in the
wrong place, I'll try something else.DT