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Message text written by "John C. Hubbell":

> I could use some help regarding medicine for my 8 year old who has
> celiacs. She is sick with bronchitis and the doctor and myself (I am a
> RN) unsure what meds. she can have....I know my daughter is very sensitive
> to any gluten but there must be some antibiotics out there she can take
> without getting sicker.

John & Cindy,
We have a 6 year old daughter,Molly, who has Celiac.  Finding gluten-free
medicine can be a real challenge sometimes! On November 1, 1995, we had a
pharmacist, Lindsey Pickle, from Concord Drugs in Atlanta (404-252-2280) call
regarding the antibiotic, "Amoxil" (Amoxicillin) to see if it was safe for
Molly.  He reported back to us that the company said it was gluten-free.
Perhaps you can check with your pharmacist to double-check if "Amoxicil" still
is gluten-free.  It was of help to Molly last year when she had Strep.  We are
currently trying to update our "Molly's Gluten-Free Database" and will let you
know when we find out about any other medication.  Also, if you are in need of
acetiminophen for your daughter, we have a letter dated 4/1/96 from Sandra
Willett, Sr. Product Info. Specialist for Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., that states
that Tempra is gluten-free(1-800-222-9123).  Molly, our daughter, does not enjoy
the taste of Tempra and only takes it (along with a couple of M&Ms to cut the
taste) when she is absolutely miserable!  By the way, if any one knows of a
gluten-free acetiminophen besides Tempra, we would be grateful to know about it.
We wish your daughter well!
Beth Ann & Wayne Bond
Marietta, GA