<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

in response to comments about wheat contamination in corn, yes they are grown
in the same fields in some parts of the country, and yes, they are stored in
the same bins, but.... cross contamination is virtually nonexistant between
these two grains. due to the large differance in size, the wheat is very easy
to remove from the corn.  Corn and soybeans are another story

also while i am at it,  if you ask a cereal chemist, the only grain that
contains gluten is wheat.  there is no argument that the proteins in oats,
barley, ect are closely related, but they do not produce the elastic mass
that wheat gluten produces.  gluten used in reference to corn started as an
industry term for the protein by product when wet milling corn. it is too bad
the use of this term has spread so as to cause this confusion.

Steve  warm in S.  FLA