<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi all,
Just thought this would be an interesting post and was wondering if anyone
had had this experience.
I was having alot of pain on my left side, pain went from left side of chest
to back, in my neck, down my arm.  After 3 days of this I went to doc
thinking it might be my heart.  He took stress test and echocartiogram.
Both  tests turned out to be perfect, in fact I scored l03% on the stress test.
Anyway, heres the dilema.  Ten yrs ago I was told I had mitral valve
prolapse, now lo and behold the doc says there is no evidence I whatsoever
that I have mitral valve, I was stunned and so was he.
I have been on the diet 3 yrs. and have noticed much less problem with my
heart such as palpatations and sudden fast heart beat which I used to
experience quite a bit.  Now what Im wondering is, could the ingestion of
gluten actually have caused a heart disturbance and made the sonogram to
read like there was a valve problem?  Can diet actually affect the heart?
It would make sense that gluten would stress all the organs of someone
intolerant to it wouldnt it?
Thanks to all you good people out there for all your informative posts.
Stay healthy!
>From swampy Maine,