<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I was hoping for some insight to this problem:  My 2 1/2 year old daughter
was diagnosed at 18 months and has been GF for one year.  We noticed a
dramatic change in her, after being GF for a few months--skin tone,
behavior, no diarrhea, etc., however, her growth rate in both height and
weight has not been as dramatic.  Recently, it has slowed even more, she
gained only 10 oz.(< 300 g) between June and September.  She will be three
in January and weighs 24 pounds and is 31 inches tall.  For the first 6
months of her life she was between the 50th and 60th percentile for both
weight and height.  Her doctor feels she has the potential to reach that
again, based on his experience with other celiac patients, however,
currently she is not even on the charts.  He thought maybe she was not
getting enough calories, but she takes in between 1200-1500 cal/day, which
is more than adequate.  Her next visit to her doctor is in two weeks.  He
will want to do additional tests to determine if there is an underlying
cause to her slow growth.
Has anyone else experienced a similar problem?