<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
On 9/5/96 I had asked if anyone on the list was struggling with gaining
weight even though they were eating a strict GF diet.  I had reviewed
my own food diaries and could not determine a reason for it.
I apologize for waiting so long to reply but I had no power for 4 days
due to Hurricane Fran.  Here were the results:
Thirty nine people responded and 37 of those indicated they gained
weight after starting their GF diet.  It was surprising to me that at
least 7 of those indicated they had never been overweight in their
lives until after being diagnosed and eating a GF diet.
Gaining weight seems to be quite common.
Weight gain ranged from 3 pounds in six weeks to 30 pounds in six
weeks!  All weight loss mentioned was at a slow rate and was a result
of a deliberate effort(much hard work).  I received no response that
said it had been easy to do.
Theories for weight gain (please keep disclaimer in mind):
1-The body was starving before and malabsorbing.  Now it is absorbing
and using everything.
2-This is the same cycle as yo-yo dieters where one experiences low
weight/high weight.  The metabolims must be reset by exercise and diet.
3-Many GF foods are not low fat.
4-Eating too much-muffins, bread,sweets and big portions or just
because you want to see if GF food tastes like gluten-filled food.
5-Age may play a role in weight gain just as it does for non-Celiacs.
The metabolism changes as we age and it takes more effort.
Helpful Tips:
Exercise regularly (some said rigorously). The metabolism NEEDS it and
so does your health. One person mentioned once having a personal
trainer. Work out with weights and tone the body.
Limit salt intake and drink more water.
Be very prudent in food choices.  Watch what you eat and when you eat.
Keep a food diary.
Eat small portions.
Eat fresh foods when possible.
Eat your biggest meal at lunch, smallest at supper.  Don't eat after 7.
Give your body time to digest the food before bedtime.
Set small amounts as goals. For example, lose 10 pounds and set another
goal after each loss.
Eat rice cakes for bread and make other substitutions to lower fat in
GF diet.
Try to determine how many fat grams are in the food you are actually
consuming.  Be aware of your portions and your weight so fat grams can
be adjusted, and weight loss noted, as fat consumption is lowered. That
way you may be able to eat a few more fat grams than you thought!
How Responders Felt About Weight Gain:
Depressed, frustrated, surprised, unhappy.
Loved ones raved about weight loss before GF diet and received many
compliments on outward appearances.  Celiacs on GF diet missed the
One person even ate a bagel every morning to try to control weight gain
and then realized the damage being done to the body and felt worse. It
also led to more non-GF eating so the person now has stopped.
The adherence to a GF diet is worth the weight gain because of the
result. One person said it is an "ongoing battle but better a little
heavier and well, than thin while killing oneself."
The main focus of our eating needs to first be to stay healthy.  We can
work on our weight with that focus in mind.
Hope this helps. I received personal responses from people who shared
helpful things on a more private level also.
Pam Pearce
Chapel Hill, NC
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