<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Some time ago, I inquired thru the list of the gf status of aspirin and
prescription medicine.  One of you folk suggested I talk with Bill Milazzo of
Stokes Pharmacy in New Jersey.  He responded by email offering his services
for celiacs.  If any drug, either prescribed or over the counter, turns out to
be not gf, he could compound it with gf ingredients.  I wantt to share an
excerpt of his response which follows:
>Usually each manufacturer has a drug information department which will
>respond to any inquiry.  It has been my experience that the information
>received from Drug Information Departments are very reliable.
>I appreciate your inquiry and your request for my compounding service.  If
>the Celiac Foundation has a newsletter or a national seminar, I would be
>willing to advertise or attend a seminar to assist patients with celiac
>Bill Milazzo, R.Ph.
>Stokes Pharmacy, INTERNET:[log in to unmask]
Mildred Oberkotter, New York City