<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I'm having a very interesting week.  I'm eating bread as a "challenge" to
see how much poison antibodies my body builds.  Blood tests are
tomorrow.  Then back to rice, etc.  I thought I would relish eating sticky
buns, sandwiches, etc.  But I could hardly get myself to eat the first bite.
After mentally conditioning myself for so long that this stuff is poison to
me and that can't have and I don't want it, I had to make myself eat it.  I
guess my defense mechanisms were pretty strong.  Sort of like asking a
man who'd licked his drinking problem to go on a bender for a week for a
test.   Or asking a person with lung cancer to smoke just a few packs to
see if it will flare up again.
And since A) it will make me sick and B) I have to go back to rice
tomorrow, it held no reward.  I was surprised how pasty and gummy I
found a lot of things that I used to like.  I found them literally distasteful.
I will have to admit the BLT went down pretty fast, but not the rest.
Jere Cordell