<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
hi y'all
I am relativly new to the list, so bear with me.  I do not have CD, my wife,
Charity does.  She was diagnosed when she was 5 years old, and went on a GF
diet.  When she was 10, the Dr's said she was cured.  20 some years later,
she has been diagnosed again.  Getting this diagnosis was a string of errors
and false leads lasting for a year before the Dr's listened about the prior
problems with gluten.  Talk about frusterating!
I wonder if having a child brought the condition back?  I read a post
referencing that. We are learning lots from the posts.  Keep the information
flow coming, our Dr's don't seem to know, or care too much.
Having seen all of the posts on sushi, it is one of the few foods she can eat
out. Charity does not seem to have any reaction to any soysauce.  Perhaps she
is one of the "lucky" less sensitive celiacs.
I have seen some posts concerning the cross contamination of milled flours.
 All of the large wheat flour mills in the US mill strictly wheat and durham,
not corn or rice.  I can not comment on the smaller mills as I have had no
dealings with them.  For that matter, corn and rice are milled on seperate
mills.  Where the problem is in packaging the flour.  If it is packaged at
the mill, you will not see the cross contamination.  If it is packaged at a
large mix plant, well, cross contamination is inevitable.  How to tell the
difference?  Very good question, I wish I had a better answer.
We are wondering if any one can help on vitamins.  She was very low on
calcium, so the Dr had her taking 2000 mg a day, plus iron and others.  This
worked for a while, but then she started getting worse, cramping, hair loss,
ect.  have tried to be gluten free, but have a tough time. we are finding
hidden gluten the hard way.  Any comment will be more than welcome.  Also if
any one knows an internest, or other Dr familiar with CD in the Jacksonville,
Fl area, please advise.
One last thought before I stop rambling on.  Some one commented on it being
ironic that he spent his youth harvesting wheat.  I can go one better. My
wife and I grew up on Kansas wheat farms, and I am now mill supervisor for a
large flour milling company.
God Bless,
Steve in FLA