<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
If you will be attending the 7th International Coeliac Symposium in Tampere
Finland next month, please send me a private email.  I will distribute a list
of CELIAC subscribers who will be going to all those who reply to me.  You can
then correspond privately, and if you wish, meet each other in person.
Also, if you are willing to volunteer to be a "reporter" for CEL-PRO and the
CELIAC lists, you could do a great service to help quickly disseminate the
information presented at the conference.  Ideally, the reporter(s) would send
an email once a day with a summary of the most important information being
discussed.  Although the proceedings will be published, this will take some
time.  One of the conference organizers has generously offered to assist by
making his local Finland email account available for the reporter for this
purpose, and if necessary a portable computer and modem so that the reporter
can dial up from his/her hotel room.  Please email me privately if you are
Bill Elkus
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