<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
> Worst offenders for me were foods containing varying degrees of lactose and
I have noticed a real inability for my body to digest fats...while I
have thought I have been gluten free for morethan a month now, I am
learning that a lot of things I am using are at least suspect to
have gluten in them....as per below.  Do you know why it is difficult
to digest/absorb fats with gluten intolerance?  Is the greater
inability to absorb fats correlated to the amount ofmucosal damage?
I have never had a biopsy, so I am not sure as to the extent of the
damage.  But more and more foods are coming oof of the "can eat"
list.....either by hidden gluten or by bodily sensitivity.....I am
getting a little frustrated.....I better get some friendly help on
the chat channel tomorrow night, eh?  :)
> ONE more word (or two), I'd like to add.  There have been claims by some
> manufacturers that thier products are "gluten free", but may not be.  Example
> is  brown rice syrup used on MANY products, including Rice Milk, and in
> UltraClear  (makers of Sustain).  These manufacturers claim that those who
> react to thier  product are reacting to something else, but not any gluten
> in thier product.
Here lies a little of my frustration....I have been using ultra clear
(metagenics) in the mornings about two or three times per week for
the last three weeks and have not been feeling "gluten free"..the same
goes for rice milk...I have been using it for cooking and drinking..I
have suspected both of these products, particularly the ultra clear,
as I drink it sometimes in the morning on an empty stomach so when I
start to feel "crappy" I am pretty sure it was something in the ultra
clear.... When I have the rice milk, and feel "crappy" I was starting
to think maybe it was from the fat content, but the rice syrup makes
more sens, as I would get some symptoms even with the "lowfat" rice
Oh this stuff is a little rough on the soul sometimes.......
While I have had trouble with fats, it is never with saturated fats
from meats.....more of the processed or pressed oils that give me a
hard time...i.e. peanut butter,  olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc.  I
think using digestive enzymes has  only placed MORE  stress on my
intestinal mucosa, rather  than helping.
Sorry for such a run-on message...I'm just tired of feeling
sick....and tired of driving everyone else around me nuts about what
i can and can't eat......nothing worse than feeling like a
burden....Thanks for listening....
Brett Saks, BS, DC
Holistic Chiropractor
Atlanta, Georiga
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http://www.mindspring.com/~drbsaks  web-site