<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
After receiving a letter today from a woman who will now let her daughter eat
cheetos based on my yesterday Frito Lay post, I just wanted to post a word of
caution that I think applies to all of us. Remember that the posts here are
based on info we receive usually from the consumer affairs division of a
given company. We always hope that the info they provide us with is true to
the best of their knowledge but remember nothing is 100%. sure unless you
know everything possible about the manufacturing process, packaging, etc...
So, yes let's use these lists as a general guide but always proceed with
caution when your health is in question and this way you can make the best
judgement call given all the facts. If as in this case you may have once seen
a post or an item in a newsletter stating that a product may in fact not
really be gf then double and then triple check it before you go ahead and add
it into your diet.
Leslie Elsner