<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
My dad told me about an article he read a few years ago (probably in
Scientific American, or some similar journal), which claimed that people
who are allergic to certain substances--I think it specifically mentioned
wheat--(what exactly do you mean by "sensitive"?) can outgrow their
allergies if they are 100% strict in avoiding the offending substance for a
long period of time (how long I can't remember now, but I am certain that
it was for a number of years).  You supposedly ruin the "experiment" if you
have so much as a drop of the thing during that time.  Even if you do all
this there is no guarantee that it will work.  I think that gluten
allergies in particular are difficult to kick, and I for one am operating
on the assumption that I am stuck with my dietary handicap for life.
Ingrid G.