<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
i'm writing mainly on my mom's behalf. she has been complaining that her
bones hurt for over two years now, and nobody seems to be able to give a
reasonable explanation. i was wondring if there is anyone who has also
had this complaint. please write me personally, if you know of any
literature or any specialist in Toronto that could help -
[log in to unmask]  Any help at this point would be greatly appreciated.
now the background for those that are interested....
about 6 years ago, my sister who was feeling pretty lousy, started her
hunt for a doctor who could give her an answer  to why she was feeling so
tired, unenergetic, occasional bouts of cramps and diarhea. after seeing
two or three of the so called doctors, (yes there is bitterness to those
that call themselves "doctors") she had a biopsy done for celiac. it was
negative. this was only after she did her homework and researched all she
could about her symptoms and decided it could be celiac disease. after a
short while, she was still convinced it was celiac, so she saw another
doctor, this one in hamilton who did a biopsy and found that indeed she
was celiac.
so, a few years later when my mom was on her death bed, admitted to the
hospital twice with no results that made sense, my sister considered
herself the specialist and persisted until my mom went into Mt. sinai
hospital where they did the test, and it proved positive! yey - now we
knew what was wrong. she was also told that she was lactose intolerant
and should dairy products.
she gained weight, got more energetic and was able to deal with  the loss
of gluten and dairy from her diet. about a year later, the first
complaint of her bones hurting. This seemed really strange, and i just
couldn't understand what she was talking about until i did a 25 km
walkathon. i thought i would die- and i'm not that out of shape, i too
was diagnosed by misbelieving doctors and socalled specialists.
anyways - my mom's pain is sometimes all over, generally she complains
that her back hurts, lower and shoulders. i just started having her pain
in my wrist, and i think i can relate to this pain. she is on dairy now
without any obvious reactions. the three of us avoid gluten carefully,
and after my mom just turning 54, i fear that whatever this pain is, it
must be celiac related and there must be something that can be done to
help. she does have an appointment with a "specialist" in october!  which
is so far away for someone with this complaint. HELP!!any answer would be
greatly appreciated. apologies if this post is lengthy, but i wanted to
explain as much as i could to get the best answers.
thanks for your time,
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