<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Just wanted to share an incredible dining experience I recently enjoyed
at my sister's wedding.  The event was catered by the Eagle Rock Club on
Becker Farm Road in Roseland, NJ (for any of you in New Jersey who might
be looking for an accomodating caterer).  This was the second event I
attended at this place and both times I was treated like a queen.  The
director has a friend who has CD and she is very aware (and sympathetic)
to our situation.
I mentioned in my "Foods by George" posting that the executive chef at
the Eagle Rock Club had special GF ravioli, muffins and chocolate mousse
cake brought in for me.  In addition to this, special attention was paid
to my salad, entree and veggies to ensure that I had a full and
thoroughly edible (in terms of gluten freedom!) meal.  Everything was
presented elegantly and made me feel extremely special.  My meal was the
envy of my table.  My sister had to assure my table-mates that I wasn't
really eating better than they were, it just looked that way!  The
regular food and the cocktail reception buffet all looked wonderful and
from the way people were eating, I would guess that it all tasted equally
When I thanked Michelle (the director) at the end of the evening, for all
that she had done to make this event so enjoyable for me, she was very
gracious and said that it was something that any caterer could do, it
just depends on how accomodating they want to be.  This is a very
accomodating catering outfit and one that I highly recommend.
For more information, call The Eagle Rock Club at (201) 992-8001 and ask
for Michelle.
Jane (in VA)
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