<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
"We need to take life a little less seriously about CD and start enjoying
each day as it comes|||  I amjust thankful that I can live healthy just by
staying away from one little chemical substance (that is all it is - isn't
Take care|   Thea"
*** Although I can appreciate Thea's "lighten up" approach, I wish it
were that easy. Having recently come on board with Celiac (just 2
months), I find the whole thing to be a MAJOR change. The FDA
allowance of ingredient listings such as "natural ingredients" (let's be
vague), and lack of required disclosure for "inert" ingredients in
prescription & over the counter drugs, Celiac's  are on their own to sift
through this vast ocean of information that constantly changes. Some of
the "Official" Celiac groups do not even agree on what is safe. I consider
that we are pioneers in the realms of this disease. We will need to demand
that the FDA come up to speed with further labeling laws that stop this
insanity. The longer people with serious medical conditions tolerate
inadequate labeling, is as long as the FDA will allow it. GF products
should be clearly labeled, and vague descriptions should be eliminated.
There is no reason individual persons should have to spend 3 days to find
out if a prescription is safe or not. The National databases for active
ingredients already exist for prescription & OTC drugs, why not require
that the inert ingredients be listed? We have to insist on more detailed
labeling regulations. They already took one step in overall labeling
requirements- they just stopped short of requiring full disclosure in the
ingredient listing.
So Thea, there are days when I try to just put this aside & enjoy life- but
there are also days when I have reactions to foods that I do not know the
source of- except for a hidden ingredient, or mystery cross contamination.
It is those times when the concept of trivializing Celiac disease goes right
down the flusher. I think we could all lighten up if things like full
disclosure were the norm & we did not have to play roulette with our
health. If there were an issue for Celiacs to unite upon- full labeling
disclusure would be high on the list. There are 1,400 people on this list
alone. Think we could launch an e-mail writing campaign to the FDA &
get this rolling? Perhaps there are sunny days ahead.......