<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
My computer was down which is why I haven't replied until now.  I didn't
mean to be rude--honest,
Many people replied to my posting about spelt to tell me spelt was WHEAT.  I
know that.  I knew that before I tried it so I'll tell you the story:
A friend named Gordon wrote to me and said he'd been eating spelt for
several months and had no adverse effects.  I wrote him quickly and said the
same things you nice people said to me.  He wrote back and said he knew that
and would i like a spelt pretzel?  He was making lots of spelt pasta in his
pasta machine and also pretzels.  Remember pretzels??
So, because I trusted Gordon, I bought a small sack of spelt and followed
the directions to make bread.  I intended to have one small piece of
bread,put up with five days of terrible swelling, diarrhea and weakness then
write Gordon a scathing letter.
What happened was, I ate a small piece and it tasted so good I ate the whole
loaf.  Of course it was a small loaf, nevertheless I sat back and waited.
My intestine is so sensitive to anything new that it would react to the
"newness" in about a half hour.  It would react to the spelt (read"wheat")
several hours later.
Nothing happened. I had no reaction at all.
I want to say this about the Vita Spelt people:  They were wonderful.  They
helped me choose a bread machine and then they told me (more than once) that
spelt was wheat and I better not eat it.  I asked if they had other celiac
clients and they admitted they did.
That was three years ago.  I have had spelt bread or spelt pancakes or spelt
noodles nearly every day for three years.  I haven't had an adverse reaction
yet.  My DH has remained dormant and my elbows are as smooth and pink as
everybody else's, which isn't saying much, is it?  :-)
I remember once sitting at the dining room table when I was a teenager with
each elbow in a lemon half trying to bleach my black, peeling elbows.
Didn't work.
The only celiacs who have tried this that I know about are my friend Gordon,
the person who told him, and the "other customers" of Vita Spelt.  I don't
recommend it to anyone who is not curious and adventurous and ready to be
miserable for a few days just to see if he can eat spelt pretzels!
I'm going to continue with it.
You're a grand list and I thank you for all your comments.
Nan Burket
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Springfield, IL