<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone,

Could anyone give me a good source for egg replacer?  Also, what does it
actually do when used in baking?  I've seen it as an optional item in many
recipes, but have not tried it yet.

My second question concerns powdered milk.  I have been using noninstant
milk powder because of reading something about it being better in Bette
Hagman's cookbook.  However, I cannot find a good source for it.  I had a
local bulk store which sold it for awhile, but they have since gone out of
business.  My other source is the local health food store.  It comes in a
canister container, but I am having to pay quite a bit for it.  Any
suggestions as to what a cheaper source might be?  And am I correct in not
using the instant version of powder milk?

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