<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
On Mon, 6 May 1996, vance wrote:
> The Irish also, I notice, have the highest rate of schizophrenia of any
> other ethnic group. I wonder if these two things are related, since
> schizophrenia can be one of the symptoms of CD.
> vance
I came across something interesting that supports this.  Apparently, the
search for a schizophrenia gene has been narrowed down to somewhere on
chromosone 6.  Here's a URL: (the misspelling "shizgen1" is as it printed)
Chromosone 6 is where the genes for multiple sclerosis, Graves' disease,
type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and autism have been located.
I wonder if the incidence of MS, Graves' disease & IDDM is higher among
the Irish.
Even historically, the Irish got a bad shake.  But they're indomitable.
They've got Spirit.  Coming from a background of dealing with
adversity, you're a source of strength & a reminder that life is not
about material things, but of love and relationships.