<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
        I am turning to the list in search of others who may have
     experienced similar symptoms and, I hope, arrived at a diagnosis.  For
     the past four months, I have suffered from episodic upper abdominal
     (epigastric) pain.  It **does not** appear to be related in any way to
     eating or to the ingestion of gluten.  My recent antibody tests and
     rebiopsy of duodenum were all normal.  The pain is midline, moderate
     to severe and generally lasts 4-5 hours.  Nothing makes it worse or
     better and I have no associated bowel symptoms (no nausea, vomiting,
     diarrhea).  On average, the pain occurs about once every 2 weeks
     although it is irregular in occurence.  It has occurred at different
     times of day and has woken me from sleep.  Tests to date are all
     negative (EGD, upper GI series with small bowel follow through,
     abdominal ultrasound, blood work (SMA12 and amylase), urinalysis).  My
     gastroenterologist and I are scratching our heads about what this is
     and I would **greatly** like to speed up the diagnosis process.
        If you have experienced anything similar please email me privately.
     Thanks in advance for your help.
     Laura Sessums
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