<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
>>I just found the following post and I'm in a rotten mood. Livid actually. I
>>spend a lot of time in the newsgroups trying to convince people to get
>>tested for celiac disease. But then I come across this!! I don't know how I
>>should answer this. At this point I think the medical profession needs to be
>>lined up and shot. We'd do better without them. Don Wiss.
I couldnt agree with you more.  My advice to anyone who improves on a gf
diet is to forget the doctors and their tests and stick to it.  Thats what I
did. I lived with symptoms for 40 yrs. never knowing what it was, went to
the same doc. for the last 10 yrs and he always treated me like a mental
case, even told my son "Your just like your Mother, you want to be perfect
and there is no such thing as perfect."  Perfect, what a laugh, I was the
farthest thing from perfect, crippling fatigue, allergy, joint pain etc.
Talk about mental confusion, wow, I had it bad.  All that is gone now and I
am 54 and just beginning to live, thanks to myself and the research I did,
not to mention the wonderful support I got from my husband and children.  So
I understand your frustration totally.
Janet in Maine