<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
After explaining my great experience with receiving communion, I offered
the recipe to anyone who wanted it.  I have received SO MANY REQUESTS that
I have chosen to send one message back to the whole list for all who are
interested.  To answer some questions--(1) the reason for unleavened bread
dates back to the Passover.  They had to be ready to flee so they couldn't
take time for the rising of bread--thus the unleavened bread that contains
no yeast and this has been a tradition continued.  Interesting, huh?  (2)
Regarding the transubstantiation requiring wheat--my priest's response was
like mine--it was probably believed long ago by someone and some have
taken longer to make changes that need to be made in the thinking of it
all.  He does not agree it needs to be wheat.  He also said that the
National Conference of Liturgy Directors (I think this is correct) had
made a proposal to Rome for a change and also a recipe that would be GF.
Isn't it great that they understand our needs? (3) My priest said the
main procedure for making the communion work is "getting the host in the
dish of communion hosts and the priest knowing where you are sitting or
you going to the priest for distribution."  I put my bread in a small
paper "pill-like" container to keep it away from the hosts.  The
ArchBishop was very pleased about our way of working this out.  Sorry
this is so long--I just want to make it clear.  And now for the
recipe--remember, it is not "gourmet."  You may be able to remake it to
be even better.  I have tried different ones and this has dissolved
better in my mouth.  It is a version of one used at our Catholic
University Center several years ago.  I only changed the flour.
1/2 T. sugar
1/4 C. soy flour
1/4 C. potato starch
1/4 C. brown rice flour
1/4 t. salt
1/4 t. baking powder
Mix the above very well together-----
Cut in:
1 T white Crisco
1/2 T. butter flavored Crisco
1 1/2 T GF honey
Add in small amounts:
1/4 C. water (or a speck less)
Mix well and spread in pan (I usually use a 9-inch pie pan and spread it
thin--about 1/4 inch thick)
Bake @ 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
After it cools, I cut in pieces about 1 to 1 1/4 inches by 1/2 inch.
This can be by works better for your container, etc.  I cut my container
down a little with the help of scotch tape (smiles!) and make it smaller
so it leans up and makes it easier for the priest.
For any other questions, e-mail me privately.  I received some requests
that made me feel very happy that I shared this.  I can see that some of
you will feel much better by having a way of once again receiving
communion.  I pray that your minister/priest will be as happy at assisting
you as mine.
Sharon in Kansas
"Smile--it's contagious"