<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Lisa, and others:
Enjoyed the Reuters article, Lisa, thanks!  But their attributing all the
neurological problems to an immune reaction may be a little shortsighted.
This is my persuasion because of what I've seen in my family, that some
people cannot handle gluten who test negatively on IG tests.  My daughter
and father fall into that category, and I might, too, but I have not been
tested.  We are all MUCH improved neurologically off gluten and milk
products.  I believe the reason for the improvement is explained by the
opiate excess theory of autism, but none of us is autistic. My daughter had
gross motor delays, I have had autoimmune problems, and my father has
I guess I should say I believe in this caveat:  if you test negative on the
celiac test suite, do not assume that you will have no benefit from
eliminating wheat.  Try the special diet and decide for yourself.  It's not
that hard, and if it will help you, believe me, you will know within a week
or so, maybe sooner!
Enthusiastically gluten-free non-celiac,
Susan Owens
PS.  By the way, my husband's cousin, who has ankylosing spondylitis, has
been gluten-free for three weeks, and had a challenge last week with a piece
of raisin bread.  She said she woke up thinking she was having a heart
attack with her heart racing. (She guesses now it was heartburn.) The next
day she had diarrhea all day long.  I don't know if she has ever been tested
for celiac but I do know she has had lots of GI workups, all negative.