<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
When you have the gluten-free diet under control, are feeling fine,
and have some knowledge about celiac disease, you might want to
consider being a contact person for CSA/USA.  Volunteering to start a
resource unit (individual contact) or chapter may evolve out of a
sense of wanting other people to have an easier time of adjustment
than you did.  Most newly-diagnosed celiacs want to talk about their
journey to diagnosis and lack of medical understanding and problems
with the diet.  Someone helped you and you want to pass the kindness
on.  We want to accentuate the positive.
One of the major goals of CSA/USA, Inc. is to educate the individual
celiacs and people with dermatitis herpetiformis.  Within the
structure of developing chapters or resource units, celiacs are
invited to join together to learn about the disease and the gluten-
free diet.  CSA sponsors 74 chapter affiliates and 36 resource units.
 The CSA office and officers aid with specific guidelines and
suggestions for chapter development and ideas for programs, publicity,
 enlisting support of the medical and dietetic communities, etc.
Contact CSA at P.O. Box 31700, Omaha, NE 68131-0700 (phone 402/558-
0600) for further information about how to apply for chapter or
resource unit status.  Or I personally would be happy to talk with
you. (E-mail: [log in to unmask]) (phone: 713/783-7608).
The goal of support groups is to provide continuing education on
celiac disease, encouragement and practical help in coping with our
frustrating chronic condition in order to contribute to continued
health and well-being.  Everyone has individual talents and abilities
that can be utilized in service to CSA. I hope you will join us!
Janet Rinehart, Houston, CSA President-Elect