<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
         The University of Utah is seeking volunteers for a celiac
 genetics study.  We need siblings (brother and/or sisters) who have
 been biopsy diagnosed with celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis.
 Participants will be asked to send us a blood sample.
         Our hypothesis is that there is a gene(s) in addition to the HLA
 locus asociated with celiac disease.  We will use a method similar to the
 one used by researchers last year to find two genes responsible for
 non-insulin dependant diabetes.
         To those of you who responded to the request I posted last
 spring - we can finally  start collecting samples. Just contact
 me and we will send you a blood sample collection kit. If any of you know of
 sib-pairs who might be willing to contribute, please let me know.
            Jeff Black   [log in to unmask]  1-800-444-8638 ext-15075