<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
>Abnormal fingerprints was also mentioned as being common among
>schizophrenics as mentioned in Dr. Torrey's book Surviving
That is likely due to that fact that it is known that many schizophrenics
are gluten-intolerant...
I am disturbed by your comment.  To me it gives indication of the tremendous
prejudice in our society towards those diagnosed with mental illness. Since
I, too, am diagnosed with a mental illness(manic-depression), I have become
very sensitive to this.  With all due respect to those of different colored
skin, I maintain that the prejudice against the mentally ill is far more
extreme than racial prejudice ever was, and yet is quite acceptable in our
society.  For example, I have fewer legal rights than a criminal... We would
no longer dream of calling afro-americans 'niggers', but do not hesitate to
refer to the mentally ill as nuts, loonies, crazies and etc.  Slavery
doesn't hold a candle to what was and still is done to the mentally ill in
mental institutions.
Forgive me for taking time to rant a little, but also perhaps raise a tad
bit of consciousness here.
Lynn in Ellensburg, Washington
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