<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hello everyone,
On 10/16/95 Dwight wrote:
>      The gastronologists in Nashville that diagnosed me said he finds about
> four new cases a year. The first three gastronologists I called did not have
>an answer when I told them " I think I have a malabsorption problem with
>wheat,oats,rye and barley.
Because many doctors, including specialists, don't have adequate knowledge
with regard to CD, and because I get many e-mails from people requesting
referrals to doctors who do, I've decided to compile a list of doctors who
are especially knowledgeable in this area and post it on my Celiac Website.
To do this, I am requesting everyone's help. If you have a second, please
send me the name, city and phone number (if it's not an inconvenience) of
any doctors you know who are particularly good when it comes to CD. Please
send the information to me directly at: [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance for any help!
Scott Adams - San Francisco, USA
Celiac Website: