<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I have also experienced a lot of weird special meal servings. My worst exp.
is with Delta airlines. Once on a flight San Fransisco-Oslo (some 15 hrs) I
had ordered a lactose-free meal, and was given some kind of salad with lots
of creamy stuff on it while the other passengers ate plain chicken. I asked
if I could switch to an ordinary meal but was told that when I ordered a
special meal I had to stick to it even though the food was not what I
ordered. Delta has failed me 3 out of four times =75%. I have never used
Delta again. I even wrote them and told them about the mistakes they have
made, but they never cared to write any excuse. After my last trip with
Delta, I started bringing my own food on long flights.
Is there any airline where one can safely eat the special meals?