<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
>It seems like gluten is in everything!
Yes it seems that way sometimes.  I am severely CS, lactose allergic and
hypersenstive to MSG in all of it's wonderful forms.  I have come to
distrust most of what manufacturers tell me unless they have a good reason
to be legit.  If you pin them down with 'do your product component sources
check for gluten?', you will be surprised how many say 'we dont know'.  I
feel safest making most of my own food and buying from companies that
specialize in gluten free or problem diets.  Solgar Vitamins, Van's
waffles/pancakes, Arctic Salmon burgers, Energy Foods, Shelton Farms to
name a few.  Many of these companies were started by folks who have dietary
restrictions...they are hyper-vigilant as a result!
It is a pain at first, making all of your own food, but with work, you can
find ready made products that are safe.  In the long run, you'll feel much
better...stronger, less fatigue, fewer emergency trips to the restrooms.
>How long does it take to get better on the diet (assuming that you are
>really off gluten) if you have been abusing your body with gluten for
>years?  I was better after about 10 days and then got sick again.
My gastroenterologist suggested 4 to 6 months for full intestinal healing
following prolonged exposure to gluten.  I am at 2 months and beginning to
see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have been practicing an
elimination diet with a gradual re-introduction of new foods.  This means
that you only re-introduce one new food per week to see if there will be a
problem.  Transient IBS can be present during gluten exposure and during
the healing period.
About the great Coke contraversy...it is in their own interest to deny a
gluten content.  If you are suspicious, talk to your dietician about
setting up an elimination diet followed by a gradual re-introduction.  If
the product bothers you, it has gluten...En Gluten Et Veritas.
Gary Roberts
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